Documentation Orchestrator

class motey.orchestrator.inter_node_orchestrator.InterNodeOrchestrator(logger, valmanager, service_repository, labeling_repository, node_repository, communication_manager)[source]

This class orchestrates services. It will start and stop virtual instances of images defined in the service. It also can communicate with other nodes to start instances there if the requirements does not fit with the possibilities of the current node.

compare_capabilities(needed_capabilities, node_capabilities)[source]

Compares two dicts with capabilities.

  • needed_capabilities (dict) – the capabilities to compare with
  • node_capabilities (dict) – the capabilties to check

True if all capabilities are fulfilled, otherwiese False


Deploy all images of a service to the related nodes.

Parameters:service (motey.models.service.Service) – the service which should be deployed

Try to find a node in the cluster which can be used to deploy the given image.

Parameters:image (motey.models.image.Image) – the image to be used
Returns:the IP of the node to be used or None if it does not found a node which fulfill all capabilities

Retruns the service status.

Parameters:service (motey.models.service.Service) – the service which should be used
Returns:the status of the service

Try to load the YAML data from the given blueprint data and validates them by using the motey.models.schemas.blueprint_yaml_schema. If the data is valid, they will be transformed into a services model and handed over to the VALManager.

Parameters:blueprint_data – data in YAML format which matches the motey.models.schemas.blueprint_yaml_schema

Instantiate a service.

Parameters:service (motey.models.service.Service) – the service to be used.

Parse a local yaml file and start the virtual images defined in the blueprint.

Parameters:file_path (str) – Path to the local blueprint file.

Terminates a service.

Parameters:service – the service to be used.