Source code for motey.communication.api_routes.service

import yaml
from flask import jsonify
from flask import request, abort
from flask.views import MethodView
from jsonschema import validate, ValidationError
from rx.subjects import Subject

from motey.models.schemas import blueprint_yaml_schema

[docs]class Service(MethodView): """ This REST API endpoint for getting service informations and also let the client upload a YAML file to the node. A service contain all the running images. """ # RX subject which send a message, after a POST is received and successfully parsed. yaml_post_stream = Subject()
[docs] def get(self): """ Returns a list off all existing capabilities of this node. :return: a JSON object with all the existing capabilities of this node """ from motey.di.app_module import DIRepositories results = DIRepositories.service_repository().all() return jsonify(results), 200
[docs] def post(self): """ POST endpoint. Receive the YAMl file and validates them. The content type of the request must be ``application/x-yaml``, otherwiese the request will end up in a HTTP status code 400 - Bad Request. :return: HTTP status code 201 - Created, if the request is successful, otherwise 400 - Bad Request. """ if request.content_type == 'application/x-yaml': result = request.get_data(cache=False, as_text=True) try: loaded_data = yaml.load(result) validate(loaded_data, blueprint_yaml_schema) self.yaml_post_stream.on_next(result) except (yaml.YAMLError, ValidationError): return abort(400) return '', 201 else: return abort(400)